Hunting the Whitetail Deer

     The most commonly hunted game animal in North America is the Whitetailed deer. The whitetails have been often referred to as the greatest game animal. Their keen senses of sight, smell, and hearing make them a very sporting animal to persue. Here are a few tips that might help you when hunting the whitetailed deer with traditional archery equipment.
    Always remember to hunt the wind. Hunting the wind usuallly means staying downwind of the deer. This will allow your human scent to be blown in the opposite direction of the whitetails nose. The whitetails nose is very hard to fool, and this is the single most important sense that the hunter must be aware of.
    Another important tip would be to make sure that you position your ambush spots in areas that give you the best chance at a shot. Or if still-hunting make sure that you are always in a position that you can shoot from. Shooting a traditional bow can sometimes be difficult in the woods due to its length. The best way to avoid problems is to plan ahead. Make sure you have shooting lanes in the direction you think a whitetail is most likely to approach from, regardless of whether your hunting from a treestand, groundblind, or stillhunting.
    Wear proper camo. Wearing camo can greatly increase your chances of fooling the whitetails eyes. If you would rather not wear camo try wearing something like wool plaid, this allows your human outline to be broken up. When choosing camo try to choose colors and patterns that match your hunting environment.
    Hunt the rut as much as possible. If you are persuing a whitetail buck then your best odds to take one would be during the rut during the first two-three weeks of november. These few weeks are the best time to catch a buck during his most vulnerable state. This is sometimes the only time of the year when a whitetail buck will move during daylight hours!
    My last and most important tip is be safe and respect nature. Neglecting safety in the woods can ruin your hunting experience or worse end your life or someone else'. Always be safe with weapons and always remember to take proper precautions when hunting from treestands or elevated platforms. And lastly respect wildlife and nature so that everyone can continue to enjoy it!

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